DSS Resort to Humiliating Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's Lawyers by Maxwell Opara Esq

Photo: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu
It’s good I narrate this urgly incident to everyone to hear and circulate. Yesterday being 30th August, 2021, at about 3 to 4pm Nigerian time, I Maxwell Opara Esq went to DSS Headquarters Abuja to visit Mazi Nnamdi Kanu in line with the order of court that gave directives to some members of his legal team and family members to be visiting him every Monday and Thursday. Though I have been going there but yesterday after the normal screening, I was taken to another office where I was forced to remove my suit jacket, shoes & stocks, belt, medicated eyeglasses, wedding ring, pen and plain sheet of paper which I wanted to use to record some of information MNK will give in preparation of his defense and applications we may be filing in court.
I asked the officers who issued this order that lawyers should be subjected to this level, one of them said that the order is from above, I told them that I will never subject myself to that, they said then I am not ready to see MNK.
Then due to the necessity for me to see MNK , I had no option than to comply.
I was given a pair of ordinary slippers with my hands holding my trousers because my belt has been taken away from me.
When MNK saw me (his lawyer) looking like awaiting trial inmate he felt so bad and started shedding tears, “that his lawyer is subjected to such degrading treatment simply because he came to visit him." I calmed him down and told him that I will personally narrate this to the whole world and as well address court on this issue in next court sitting.
This is a country that claimed to practice democracy. We shall continue to fight against injustice. I believe other lawyers in the legal team will narrate the same experience.
Ahead ahead unstoppable!!! God is in control and in him we trust.
Maxwell Opara Esq.