Mother held over death of toddler Hassan Khan (2)

GARDAÍ ARE STILL holding a woman in her 40s for questioning over the death of 2-year-old Hassan Khan, who was found dead at an apartment in Ballybrack, south Dublin, yesterday afternoon.
The toddler’s body has been removed from the scene and taken to Tallaght Hospital, where a post mortem examination is set to take place this morning. It’s understood he died from stab wounds.
The woman was arrested at the apartment yesterday afternoon, after gardaí received a phone-call. She’s being held at Dun Laoghaire Garda Station.
A murder inquiry is under way.
Gardaí were trying to locate the boy’s father, Saleem Khan, in the hours after the discovery of the child’s body, to inform him of his son’s death.
He was located last night, and a Garda spokesperson confirmed all family members had now been notified.
Child Rescue Alert
The young boy was the subject of a nationwide appeal, after a Child Rescue Ireland (CRI) alert was issued for him this summer.
He was found later that day, safe and well.
Such alerts are only ever initiated when there is a reasonable belief that there is an immediate and serious risk to the health and welfare of a child.
They result in messages being displayed on digital motorway signage, and in train and ferry stations. Every media outlet in the country is also informed, and images of the child are sent out.
The system was launched in May of 2012, and is used sparingly by gardaí.
The toddler lived at the first floor apartment with his mother, who is from the local area.
Speaking last night, a female relative said it was a “terrible tragedy”.
Several locals left flowers outside the apartment complex, as garda experts continued tests at the scene inside.
Neighbour Margaret Willis told that she “had to come up” to pay her respects.
“God help the little angel,” she said.
Other neighbours expressed shock at the incident, and said the area was normally very quiet and settled.
The family had contact with the Child and Family Agency, Tusla, recently.
Chief Executive of the agency Gordon Jeyes released a statement on the incident this morning.
It said:
“Following the death of a child, particularly in circumstances as tragic as the death of little Hassan, it is important that we all take the time to mourn a life not lived.
“In the period immediately following Hassan’s death the focus for Tusla will be on supporting those who knew and worked with the little boy and his family.
In due course, the Child and Family Agency will work with any investigating body to provide all information available both in terms of any supports offered previously to the child and his family and any information which may cast light on why this tragic death took place.
The child’s body was taken from the scene last evening, and Dr Michael Curtis, the Deputy State Pathologist, is conducting a post-mortem at Tallaght Hospital this morning.
The woman arrested yesterday was know to the child and his father.
Gardaí are expected to hold a further media appeal later this afternoon, following the conclusion of the post-mortem.