Onwumereh's tenure as Onyendu Dublin dazzles with record achievements

Onyendu Kelechi JK Onwumereh
As a New Era Beckons!
As we countdown to the most exciting election of Igbo Union Ireland – Dublin Chapter (IUD), I would like to use this opportunity to wish all the candidates well in the up-coming election on the 20th of July, 2014.
As outgoing Onyendu, I thank God Almighty for the privilege to have served this great UNION and the good people of Igbo extraction in Dublin, Ireland from 2012 to 2014. I would like to crave the indulgence of the reading public to bask in the knowledge of being partly responsible for the new wave of energy and enthusiasm in our Union and within the Igbo community.
However, I would like to implore all the candidates and members of IUD to eschew bitterness as we campaign for an opportunity to serve Ndigbo because any bad blood generated during this transition period may leave behind a trail of bad smell for a long time to come. Voluntary and community leadership should never be a matter of ‘do-or-die’. Honest and true quest for leadership must never cause disaffection and disunity. We will all do well to remember the reasons that make Igbo groups a pariah and often ineffective and moribund associations, plagued by myriad of problems culminating in apathy and despondency!
Regardless of the problems bedeviling Igbo groups which are often daunting, dispiriting and demanding, I thank God almighty for the wisdom and drive to take on the onerous tasks of restructuring Igbo Union Dublin successfully and creating a movement that is now a vibrant and growing force for Ndigbo in Ireland and Europe. In the words of the great Igbo leader Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, “a good leader plans for the next generation while a bad leader plans for the next election”. I would like to thank all the people who made passionate representations for me to serve Ndigbo for another term but hope that you understand my philosophy for declining.
Going by your testimonials and evaluations, I know that at times we got it right and at times we got it wrong. But we did not waiver in our goal of transforming Igbo Union and touching the lives of our people. If anyone feels hard done-by because of our policies and decisions, we apologise but do assure all that we meant to do well by Ndigbo. For my executive, the mission was to set a new standard in the spirit of Igwebuike and Onyeaghala nwaneya. We promised to teach and defend the values of Omenala as handed down to us by our fathers and Ndi Ichie and so we did. We set out a plan and successfully accomplished what to many had seemed an impossible feat and for that I am most grateful to my team.
It has certainly been two years of incredible, inspiring and exciting times full of programmes and activities never before experienced. None of these would have been possible without the blessing of a committed executive. I thank them and the leadership of our partner associations, the distinguished heads of the different committees that served during the period and all our generous sponsors and mentors who helped us on our way to success. My sincere appreciation also goes to our Patrons Dr Linus Offiah, Rev Obinna Ulogwara and a host of leaders too numerous to mention without causing offense, albeit unwittingly.
Finally, I would to thank my family for the sacrifice of putting up with my absence when they needed me around. I owe my lovely wife Lolo Julia Onwumereh a lifetime of gratitude for her patience and steadfastness during this period but most importantly, I thank her for her ideas to found the new and dynamic Igbo Union Women’s group - Umunwanyi Olaedo in 2012.
As we journey into a new leadership era for IUD I pray that God will bless Ndigbo and crown our efforts with success; May the years ahead be filled with good health and prosperity; May our yearning for freedom, inner peace and excellence be nearer than imagined; May our children be standard bearers and children of victorious and pleasant testimonies. Olisa bi’na Igwe anyi ayo gi, Chukwu abiama biko nuru olu anyi o! Ekpere anyi bu na aha Jesus Christi Onye we anyi! Amen.
1. Constituting the first ever Igbo Leaders Forum following a joint executive meeting on the 3rd of June 2012
2.Securing a permanent meeting venue which enabled old and new members to attend meetings with ease
3.Courtesy/ Awareness visits to over 14 Associations and Clubs to spread the message of Igwebuike and Onyeaghala nwaneya and to invite Ndigbo to join the UNION
4.Organising Iwaji Festival in Rialto, Dublin in August 2012 with an overwhelming attendance and goodwill, Rich cultural display and presentation of certificates to associations and groups
5.Revising IUD Constitution to include: Benefit Rights, Contingency Fund, Two Tier Membership (Stand-alone & Association membership) and other New structures
6.Concerted effort to dismantle and abolish the obnoxious ezeigbo charade in Ireland through a robust people led campaign
7.Initiating and starting a brand new Igbo Union Women’s Group (Umunwayi Olaedo). Many thanks to my wife for initiating the idea to found this dynamic group.
8.Courtesy visit to Patron Dr and Mrs Linus Offiah in October 2012
9.Increased presence and relevance at partner’s events – Happy events and Bereavement
10.Promulgating Revised IUD Constitution
11.Developing new logo for IUD and Igbo Union Ireland
12.Convening Igwebuike Solidarity Mini-Convention which included the inauguration of Igbo Union Women’s Group (Umunwayi Olaedo) and signing of MOU by new partners during a ceremony on March 17th 2013
13.Igbo Language program starts in April 2013 with over ninety children on our register. Thanks to Nze Kennedy Nnannah and Mazi Alex Alino
14.Igbo Union Website goes live
15.Courtesy visit to Ambassador Felix Pwol with Igbo Leaders from across Ireland
16.Professor Chinua Achebe Tributes and Academic Expositions on June 2nd, 2013. Thanks to Chairman Barrister Chike Aniekwena.
17.Initiating improved relations between Igbo Union Chapters at National Level (meeting in Cork in June 23rd 2013)
18.Courtesy visit to commiserate with Rev Obinna Ulogwara (Patron)
19.Improved relations with groups, agencies and corporate bodies
20.Inaugural Igbo National Convention which included: First ever Afro-Irish Business Connect and Trade Show flagged off by Minister Leo Varadkar, Sen Ben Obi & Ambassador Pwol, First ever Gala Night to celebrate members and other distinguished Igbos, Cultural day at National Show Centre with over one thousand five hundred in attendance and Interdenominational Church Service. Thanks to Convention Chairman Dr Prosper Obioha.
21.Successful sourcing of corporate sponsorship for Inaugural Igbo National Convention
22.Joint hosting of a visit by Rabbi Yehuda Tochukwu Ben Shemeyr in October 2013
23.IUD Children’s Party
24.Courtesy visit to Mayor Kieran Dennison on the 3rd of February, 2014
25.Igbo Diaspora Consultative Conference on National Dialogue – 29th March, 2014. Thanks to Barrister Bruno Igwe for planning and moderating the process.
26.Igbo Union Ireland Outstanding Achievers Award in Abuja on the 23rd of May 2014 which included presentations to special awardees plus presentation of report on Igbo Agenda from Ndigbo in Ireland to members of National Conference
27.IUD Leaders Strategic Planning Meeting in Navan (unveiling 3 point agenda for next 3 years).
28.Courtesy visit to welcome the new Nigerian Ambassador to Ireland & Iceland Dr Elizabeth ‘Ifeoma’ Bolere Ketebu on Friday 6th June, 2014
29.Midwifing a smooth transition of power, thanks to Dr Prosper Obioha
a. Rolling out a new vision for a Union was a demanding task. Thanks to all those who saw the big picture and supported the executive.
b. Fourteen associations but only six registered groups
c. Big tasks but few hands –
d. Deliberate efforts to undermine progress and cohesion
e. Will to sustain the transformation vision is unknown
f. Will to sustain an inclusive Igwebuike dream based on peace, unity and accomplishment appears to be weak
Leadership Qualities and Performance Strategies:
*Adhering to the 3 point agenda set three years ago
*Clear outline of vision, mission, programme plan, strategy and operational pathway
*Instilling a sense of appreciation in our strength, resources through committee leadership and strategic groups
*Improved responsibility and respect for our members
*Cross fertilization of ideas
*Carrying our wives and womenfolk along. Many thanks to the First lady, Deputy *Onyendu – Nkechi Mbachu, and the leadership of Umunwanyi Olaedo
*Improved financial accounting and transparency and Good financial state of health supervised by Mazi Alex Alino.
*Consistent and regular Executive, Leaders and General meetings
*Improved Communication via – periodic Communiques, facebook activities, media write ups and interviews
*Improved and unprecedented attendance to meetings by members
*Goodwill and support of Ndigbo
*Increased and improved visibility of Union through inclusive, proactive and functional leadership style
*Laying out a strategic plan for the next 3 years
Many thanks to Ndigbo nile in Dublin,
On behalf of the entire Leadership and Executive of Igbo Union Ireland – Dublin Chapter, we say Dalu nu! Igbo wu oke mbah!! Long live IUD, Long live Alaigbo.
Onyendu Kelechi JK Onwumereh
Ngwaoru Ndigbo